BC Green Party Leader on Solar Tour in Penticton

The BC Green party has been in an exciting time of transition over the last year and Interim Leader Adam Olsen has been touring BC meeting with local government and community leaders.

The Green Party AGM will be held in Westbank on May 31st. One year after the election of Andrew Weaver, the first Green MLA in Canada, it makes sense for the Green Party to meet in the Okanagan. The beautiful region is a wonderful example of clean technologies in practice – with both environmental and economic benefits.

Swiss Solar Tech took Adam on a solar tour to see the 80-panel solar water heating system at the Penticton Regional Hospital and other large scale solar installations like the 45 PV modules solar tracker, the solar and heat recovery system at the Aquatic Center in Summerland and the 60-panel solar thermal system at the Summerland Health Center.

He was quite impressed with these systems and eager to learn how they work and much energy they produce and therefore save. Roger Huber from Swiss Solar Tech explained that with Government rebates the pay-back time of solar would be shortened which will result in more people committing to alternative energy no matter if they installed on residential homes, commercial or public buildings.

On the roof of PRH, from left to right:
Ralph Unger CEM, Chief Engineer, Penticton Regional Hospital
Maureen Thompson, BC Interior Health Health Service Director,
Kathie Robinson, Councillor of Penticton
Adam Olsen, BC Green Party Leader
Roger Huber, CEO, Swiss Solar Tech
Lori Holloway, BC Interior Health Regional Director Facilities Management and Operations
